FOUNDATION is a non-profit, non-government, literary-cultural charitable organization
constituted for the purpose of service, promotion and preservation of the
traditional human values and heritage in general, and in the devotional music
of our tradition, in particular.
The Trust is dedicated to the phenomena of great maestros through whom the
evolving human values attained high point of articulation.
Registered as a charitable trust with its office at C 26, Nizamuddin East, New Delhi – 110013 on March 14, 2008, as a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of culture, with particular focus on the preservation and perpetuation of the endangered intangible cultural heritage and traditions of South Asia.
The ANĀD Foundation’s mission is to establish institutions as a means towards
facilitating the recovery and enhancement of the intangible (sukhamvirsā)
and tangible (sthūlvirsā) heritage of South Asia as a priority.
ANĀD has already set up ANĀD Archives and Research Center, a world-class audio-restoration
studio in New Delhi, where a lot of rare archival recordings have been restored
and preserved.
Exempt Status
Donations are income tax exempt u/s 80G vide order No DIT (E)
2008-2009/T-1184/1659 dated 5th September 2008 of the DIT(E) New Delhi.